This shiur was generously sponsored by an anonymous donor for the merit of the speedy, safe and healthy return of the Hostages.

The source sheet for this shiur is available ⁠here⁠

Why doesn't Maimonides include a good imagination among the human virtues?

What the imagination does and what makes it good

The definition of prophecy, the human being's highest perfection

Prophets need to have a good imagination

Animals also have an imaginative faculty on a par with humans

What imagination does, and how it is similar to and differs from reason

The imagination can't avoid materialism

Prophecy is not a characteristic inherent to being human

Three opinions about prophecy

Analyzing Maimonides' understanding of prophecy

There are two ways to view man: As intellect alone, or as a composite of intellect and body

The imagination is part of man's perfection only from the perspective of as a composite being comprised of intellect and body as well

Why many wise people didn't become prophets

Those who consider prophecy a characteristic inherent to being human consider man to be a body

This series is a project of the Jacob Lights Foundation.